Lars Penke


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since 2013:

  • MSc module "Evolutionary Social Psychology"
  • MSc module "Biological Foundations of Inter-Individual Differences"
  • MSc module "Consolidation in Biological Personality and Social Psychology"
  • BSc module "Differential Psychology (lecture & seminar)"
  • BSc module "Introduction to Psychological Assessment"
  • in charge of BSc module "Psychological Assessment Methods"


  • MSc lecture "Evolutionary Psychology"
  • Undergraduate lecture "Differential Psychology”
  • Undergraduate lecture "Methodology 2: Scale Construction”
  • Undergraduate literature review
  • Undergraduate final year tutorial


  • MSc lecture "Evolutionary Psychology"
  • MSc lecture "Multivariate Statistics and Methodology: Factor Analysis"
  • MSc lecture "The Neuroscience and Genetics of Intelligence" in the series “Current Topics in Psychological Research”
  • Undergraduate lecture "Differential Psychology”
  • Undergraduate lecture "Methodology 2: Scale Construction”
  • Undergraduate literature review
  • Undergraduate empirical group project
  • Undergraduate final year tutorial


  • MSc lecture "Evolutionary Psychology"
  • MSc lecture "Multivariate Statistics and Methodology: Factor Analysis"
  • MSc lecture "The Neuroscience and Genetics of Intelligence" in the series “Current Topics in Psychological Research”
  • Undergraduate lecture "Methodology 2: Scale Construction”


  • Invited guest seminar "The Genetics and Neuroscience of Intelligence Differences Across the Lifespan", given on 15 July 2010 for the graduate school LIFE at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, DE
  • MSc lecture & workshops "Evolutionary Psychology"
  • MSc lecture "Personality and Social Relationships: A Social Relations Model Approach" in the series “Current Topics in Psychological Research”


  • MSc seminar "Psychology Methodology 1: Factor Analysis"


  • Undergraduate seminar "Personality and sexuality"